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Wild Ride 

Lost in the Sierras  



Bev was an adventurer from the beginning. She loved nature and the outdoors. She loved to travel and was always open to new experiences.

In the summer of 1949, Bev traveled in Europe with her church group, doing some mission work.

In 1954, she traveled to Jamaica with her parents.

Soon after Bev and Art married, they moved to Japan, where Art was stationed with the Air Force.

Bev with Camera

While raising a family in California, Bev's traveling slowed down considerably. She still enjoyed camping and hiking, though. And in 1987, she went to Europe with her church choir, singing in famous cathedrals.

In her retirement, Bev made a career of travel. She started with a hiking tour of the Canadian Rockies in 1997. In the last few years of her life, she went to Hawaii twice, Peru, Scandinavia, Eastern Europe, the Caribbean... not to mention numerous domestic trips.

Bev in Jamaica in 1954

"July 31, 1949. As we passed from the Netherlands to Germany, the marked destruction was evident everywhere. The first sights of war were shocking to most of us as we made our way into the station at Hamburg. Blocks could be seen where only shells of houses stood."

Bev (on left) skiing with friends